Yocto for Cubieboard in QEMU - Step-by-step

Yocto for Cubieboard in QEMU - Step-by-step

In the previous post Ubuntu was used as root filesystem. Using Ubuntu as root filesystem is simple and fast to use, but it also has a lot of packages which are not necessary.

In this post I will cover the Yocto setup for Cubieboard. Using Yocto we will be able to build a custom distribution which will allow us to run Linux.

Items that will be covered are

Sources for the Yocto build environment for Cubieboard can be found in following repositories:

Yocto introduction

Yocto is tool used to build Board Support Package (BSP) and Linux distributions, especially for embedded targets. It is very configurable and provides fine grained control of output images.

The project is organized into layers and applications that can be built are described in recipes. Configuration for a build depends on selected image, machine and distribution, as well as local configuration parameters.

For more details about Yocto Bootling Yocto training slides can be used.

Base Yocto setup

As stated previously, the base repository holds the manifest file and base configuration.

The manifest file describes all the layers that are used in the project. In this case only ‘kirkstone’ branch is selected, but selection can be made on a specific commit.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <default sync-j="4" revision="kirkstone"/>

  <remote fetch="git://git.yoctoproject.org" name="yocto"/>
  <remote fetch="https://github.com/straxy" name="straxy"/>
  <remote fetch="https://github.com/linux-sunxi" name="sunxi"/>
  <remote fetch="https://github.com/openembedded" name="oe"/>

  <project name="poky" remote="yocto" revision="kirkstone" path="sources/poky"/>
  <project name="meta-openembedded" remote="oe" revision="kirkstone" path="sources/meta-openembedded"/>
  <project name="qemu-sunxi-yocto" remote="straxy" revision="main" path="sources/base">
    <copyfile dest="setup-environment" src="scripts/setup-environment"/>
  <project name="meta-sunxi" remote="sunxi" revision="kirkstone" path="sources/meta-sunxi"/>
  <project name="meta-mistra" remote="straxy" revision="kirkstone" path="sources/meta-mistra"/>


The poky and meta-oe layers provide base applications and images, which can be extended by the higher-level layers, like meta-sunxi.

The setup-environment script is used to initialize a build environment. Part of it initializes the bblayers.conf and local.conf based on the input files in the templates directory.

Machine configuration

Machine configuration for Cubieboard is in the meta-sunxi layer, in the conf/machine directory.

Machine has definitions of output images that should be built, as well as parameters for U-Boot and Linux kernel. This way, differences between machines can be kept in separate files and same distribution can be used for different machines.

Distribution configuration

Distribution configuration for our custom distribution is in the meta-mistra layer, in the conf/distro directory.

The distribution that is configured is the framebuffer distribution which disables all graphical backends, like X11, Wayland, Vulkan. This way the compilation time and final image size will be reduced.

In the distribution specification the systemd will be selected as the init manager.

This distribution can be selected at compile time by passing mistra-framebuffer to the DISTRO variable.

Linux kernel recipe modification

Linux recipe is stored in the recipes-kernel.

Since meta-sunxi layer already has everything configured in order to compile Linux for the Cubieboard, in our example we will have a .bbappend recipe, to select extra configuration for AXP209 PMIC to be included (not included by default from meta-sunxi). QEMU can emulate AXP209 for Cubieboard, so we can confirm that it is working.

Image recipe

Image recipe is stored in the recipes-extended/images directory.

The image recipe includes the core-image-minimal image settings supplied from Poky. One thing that will be different from the core-image-minimal image will be the addition of lighttpd package. This way we will be able to serve a static webpage over the network interface.

The lighttpd recipe is thus updated with information about the path where our custom html page is located. For the name of the file, the index.html.lighttpd is used, since that it will be copied by the default lighttpd recipe to /www/pages/index.html on the target root filesystem.

Networking recipe

Since systemd is used, the network configuration can be specified in the eth0.network file. This file will be used by systemd-networkd to configure networking.

The file specifies the static IP address and DNS information in the same manner it was done in the previous post. It is added to the image by adding information about it to the systemd_%.bbappend file, which is an add-on to the original systemd recipe.

Building and running images in QEMU


Before Yocto image can be built, several packages must be installed:

sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo \
   gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 \
   python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping \
   python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 \

For details consult Yocto reference manual

Preparing environment

In order to prepare for a build, the manifest repository must be used with repo tool.

repo init -u https://github.com/straxy/qemu-sunxi-yocto -m default.xml
repo sync

After the repo is initialized and synced, all recipe sources will be in the sources directory. Two additional directories will be created, downloads, where archives and git repositories with sources for packages are downloaded and kept, and sstate-cache where intermediate build products for reuse will be stored during the build process. The sstate-cache directory can speed up rebuilds, or different flavor builds, since packages that are not changed will be reused.

The next step is to initialize the build environment

source setup-environment <build_dir>

The <build_dir> is custom directory where build will be performed and output files stored. After this command is executed current directory is automatically changed to build_dir.

Building and running images

The build is started using the following command

# build command
DISTRO=<selected_distribution> MACHINE=<selected_machine> bitbake <selected_image>

Once build is completed, output image will be placed in <build_dir>/tmp/deploy/images/<selected_machine>/<selected_image>-<selected_machine>.sunxi-sdimg. This is the SD card image which can be either copied (dd) to an SD card image created with qemu-img, or can be just resized using qemu-img to a power of 2 size.

There will be also other build products, like u-boot binary (u-boot.elf that can be used for running QEMU), linux kernel binary, etc.

In our case, we will use build_fb as build directory, mistra-framebuffer as DISTRO, cubieboard as MACHINE, and mistra-image as image, so the commands would be

source setup-environment build_fb
DISTRO=mistra-framebuffer MACHINE=cubieboard bitbake mistra-image

After the build is completed, the output image has to be resized using qemu-img to a size that is power of 2, in order to be able to use it with QEMU

export YOCTO_IMAGE=${PWD}/tmp/deploy/images/cubieboard/mistra-image-cubieboard.sunxi-sdimg
qemu-img resize ${YOCTO_IMAGE} 1G

Once the SD card is ready, QEMU can be started using the following command

# Run QEMU with SD card and networking
qemu-system-arm -M cubieboard -m 1G \
                  -drive file=${YOCTO_IMAGE},format=raw,if=sd \
                  -net nic -net tap,ifname=qemu-tap0,script=no \
[ ... ]
[    0.521729] axp20x-i2c 1-0034: AXP20x variant AXP209 found
[    0.536791] axp20x-i2c 1-0034: AXP20X driver loaded
[ ... ]
Mistra FrameBuffer 4.0 cubieboard /dev/ttyS0
cubieboard login:

The log shows that the AXP20X driver has been loaded, so additional kernel config has been applied.

The network will be started automatically, and the static webpage that is served can be accessed at

Webpage opened from host computer


In this post instructions for using Yocto with Cubieboard were shown. Yocto provides an easy way to have a reproducible build, which is also optimized since only the necessary items will be included in the build system. Since QEMU Cubieboard supports SD card boot, that has been used for testing.

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